In order to bring to life our vision of a world where tribal resilience, sovereignty, and ways of knowing are respected and advanced to meet extreme weather events challenges, though globally impactful University of Arizona collaborations in research, education and outreach, the Haury Program funds education, research, and outreach that promote tribal resilience in ways that respect tribal knowledge and sovereignty at the UArizona and beyond (Focus Area One). In particular, we support projects and people who offer the most powerful, innovative, and effective means of addressing resilience with utmost respect for tribal sovereignty.
Our work in this area is centered on three approaches:
1. Supporting the University of Arizona Indigenous Resilience Center (IRes) people, programs and space;
2. Supporting tribal resilience research and research outreach; and
3. Direct funding for tribal water and engagement projects.
Below are some of the programs we are honored to support, including our Indigenous Resilience Leadership Awards and the exciting new opportunity, the Agnese Nelms Haury Endowment Professorship in Indigenous Resilience.